So I am 1 level away from 45 and having not played either of the other releases I am quite unsure what I should be doing once I hit 45.
Any help information would be appreciated
So I am 1 level away from 45 and having not played either of the other releases I am quite unsure what I should be doing once I hit 45.
Any help information would be appreciated
I have tried to log into the game and I am experiencing the above again?
Any one else getting this
Nothing to stop you making it smaller. The point of the app is to allow you to use any size, color, and shape you want.
oh cool can you send me the details please
Really...? Why do Sorc have a shield and 4blinks also a Overpowered Immune shield buff that makes them take no dmg? Nerf this overpowered ability. They are already strong enough to kill an elite in 3 hit. They don't need 4 blinks.
That’s a little to big lol.
I’m guessing no one has managed to possibly find a fix?
Honestly trying to deal with it seriously gives me a bad head as it’s that small.
Display MoreSame issue here, using a 43" 4k TV as my monitor, works amazing.
But in older games like this 4k and scaling are just a nightmare.
I have 3 major issues.
1. Mouse cursor being too small and easy to lose, it's a huge pain in PvP.
2. Auction House web window very small and with even smaller font really a pain to use.
3. Font above models (NPC,Player,Mobs) is way to small hard to read player guilds/names and also the number of Hunting mobs killed.
What is strange the rest of the UI scaled OK, it's even a little too big in 4k resolution, but there 3 things are way too small and super annoying
I feel you mate.
The only issue I have is the mouse and it’s horrendous, like you say it’s so dam easy to lose also I find it gives me a headache after a while also
If you hAve played over 2 hours they will no longer refund.
I’ve resorted to creating a berserker and shelving my mage for the moment due to the action cam
I already reported to them that the mouse is extremely small in general, even on 15 inch laptops it's a bit small because it's white and you can't see the cursor in classic mode tbh.
I'm a classic mode fan but I hope they still fix it
Yea I hope soon I don’t have a issue as they mate it action mode like Tera etc
Doesn't work with Bless apparently still looking.
Kk thanks.
Hoping you find a fix because it gives me such a headache with the cursor the way it is
I have the issue as well, started when I used my 4k TV and switched back to my original monitor. Tried looking into some windows settings but haven't fixed yet. Will look into the ini files and see if theres anything there, if not there are free mouse changing programs online to help deal with it until something is actually done.
Will post back if I find a fix.
Excellent thanks.
What are these mouse changing programs you speak of sorry?
Never heard of them
Display MoreHi all,
My other half and myself are looking for a guild to play Bless with. We are 2 mature gamers with a ton of MMO experience, we have run many a guild in our time, but this time round are looking for somewhere just to chill out and play with like minded people.
We are looking for a English speaking (we are UK based), Hieron, EU server PVPVE guild. We would prefer a smaller guild, cause lets face it, who wants to be just a number in a sea of member where no-one knows anyone else and you are all just there for the guild buffs. Community is the key for us, we like a bit of banter (a lot), but aren't afraid to put a shift in when we are online. We can be fiercely loyal and more that happy to help out with anything if you are the right guild for us.
We have Discord, but due to family/life etc we can't always be on voice coms. If it matters, I'm going Paladin and he's going mage.
If you think your guild might be the place where we can hang our hats, drop me a line.
did you ever find a guild?
I am also looking for the same been from the UK also.
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credits to…graphics_ini_tweak_guide/
Nah they are rejecting any after 2 hours
They have to do something don’t they?
I mean they can’t have it like this just hooong it dies down
No one has this issue?
Hoping someone else has stumbled accross this issue and are able to help.
I use my tv for my pc which is a 4K 50cinch tv.
However when playing the game I set the settings go 1920x1080.
The issue is the mouse is sooooooo small as if it is still running in 4K it’s almost impossible to see.
I have tried all option possible ie windowed borderless etc etc I just can’t get it to become normal size.
Any ideas as I’m enjoying the game but that’s really doing my head in.
As it’s like it constantly in 4K regardless of the setting I choose