These fanboys are funny, they just offense us and not our argues, why? Because they know, that we have truth. Do you want say, that camera is fine? Translation is fine? UI is fine, optimalization is fine? And another BASIC things are fine too? You are just happy, because they finally released this game. This game is in "early acces" 2-3 years and they didn't fix BASIC things, this is failure and this is reason, why we "refunded". They sold OLD version and only changed title to WEST. In the end we paid full price for "beta" version. They fucked with us. I know, you must protect yourself from sad reality.
Posts by Sarazan
These fanboys are funny, they just offense us and not our argues, why? Because they know, that we have truth. Do you want say, that camera is fine? Translation is fine? UI is fine, optimalization is fine? And another BASIC things are fine too? You are just happy, because they finally released this game. This game is in "early acces" 2-3 years and they didn't fix BASIC things, this is failure and this is reason, why we "refunded". They fucked with us and sold same old version.
? I don't get you.. Am I suppose to flame you back? You can either take the information or not I am not forcing you, at this point I am just happy to spread the information out so people actually have a chance to refund this scam of a game.
Relax, he just protecting his dream about good game, but they just fucked with us.
This game is failure, because they didn't solve old problems from other regions (RU,KR,JAP). Performance is still terrible, camera is tragic, translation is bad, UI is very cheap and with 0 freedom, action combat is gone (but they showed us nice videos...) . They sold OLD version and only changed title to WEST. In the end we paid full price for "beta" version.
I cant agree with all things in Peon videos, but he said sad truth about Bless. -
I'm not a game developer, but NEOWIZ is game developer and this company didn't fix their own game. They had many years, they knew everything, all these problems, but they did nothing. I know, you must protect your dream about good game, but this game is bad now. They fucked with us.
This is not main reason, why people dislike this game. This game is failure, because they didn't solve OLD problems from OTHER three regions. Optimalization is still terrible, camera is tragic, translation is bad, UI is very cheap and with 0 freedom, action combat is gone (but they showed us nice videos...). These your "early" problems are many years old. How many years we will waiting for fix....again. They sold OLD version and only changed title to WEST. In the end we paid full price for "beta" version.
the revamped combat system is what they offered. Theres videos of streamers and d3vs stating for the last month this game was a tab target game. Show me where they said it favored action combat? Will it become an option later? Sure but what they said the new combat system was going to be has been exactly yes when 80% of the negative reviews are based on server stability crashes lag and freezing you better believe its going to take priority over this particular issue. If you cant wait a few weeks for them to sort it out then quit. If you are able to come to this forum and give your view on a subject expect others to come here with their view. Should all the other post agreeing with you not be allowed or is that ok since they agree with you? Since i dont agree with you i am flaming you? You get offended on a forum page...go figure...not even worth my probably already talked shit and left a shit review and requested a refund and will be posting on every website in a week how there is no good game out and cant wait for X game to release. Bet if one thing is wrong with it the entire qq cycle continues. Best of luck finding a game that meets everything you want o7
Wake up from your dreams, this is their absolutely fail. They had many years to fix these problems
We paid full price for "beta" version.
They could avoid some EA problems, but they did only 1 server per region. They dont know how MMORPG looks first days after release?
They had lot of time, because this game is old and tested in 3 regions (many years). And reason, why game failed is simple, old problems still exists. Performance is still terrible, camera is tragic, translation is bad, UI is very cheap and with 0 freedom, action combat is gone (but they showed us nice videos...). And then you have problem like endgame content...etc.
Again Zerk is the only class with action combat currently thats said bless has ben tab target for everything else sense day one. They never once promised full action combat just a hybrid
Then why did videos with action combat, when only berserker has action combat? I will tell you why, because they needed sold their game and people wanted action combat.
Only the berserk class has action Combat atm every one knew this game was tab targeting going in We also knew about the UI issues going in as all of this was transparent from the deves from the get go if you did any research on the game.
No, they just fucked with us. Their videos had action combat system and rest versions of game had both choices. Sure, about UI it is true, but it is frustrating, worse than WoW default UI.
U guy not watch any vids the last month? All stating it would be a tab target combat system 🤣🤣
I saw their videos and classes had action combat system, they just fucked with us.
They could fix many problems, but they did only 1 server per region, why? They had to know, that 1 server can not be enough.
I can ignore this, but I can not ignore these things...
1. Where is action combat? (Did you see their combat video too?)
2. Camera is tragic. (I did not see worse camera in mmorpg)
3. UI is locked, you can't do anything. (position, size...)
And they can fix camera too. I didnt see worse camera in mmorpg
Probably new "Gender equality", 1 euro equals 1 dolar
What you want, free game and free entertainment? They need money for game itself and for next content. 30-40 $ for game is nothing! Premium looks "useless" without "must have" things. And cash shop? WoW, Tera, FFXIV, swtor, wildstar, eso...etc MMORPG have cashshop. You dont need these editions for 70 and 150 bucks.
Taky jsem se na to před chvíli díval, konečně zveřejnili i tyto podstatné informace.
Aby ještě dva týdny před spuštěním, dolaďovali tyto věci, tomu se mi nechce věřit. Přinejmenším měli v tom postu sdělit aspoň některé informace. Jako mě je to jedno, já tu hru prodávat nepotřebuji, to oni si to pak zbytečně komplikují. Je to b2p hra a ke všemu z Asie, což v lidech budí oprávněný strach z možných p2w elementů a svým mlžením tyto obavy moc neuklidňují. Jako mohou 10x říkat, že to nebude p2w, ale tím si nebudeme jistí do té doby, než odhalí skutečnou podobu cash shopu a membership.
Jsem zvědavý, na východě to moc nevyšlo tak schválně jestli se to uchytí aspoň tady, stejně si myslím, že té hře chybí nějaká pořádná propagace, kdybych neprojížděl před dvěma roky stránky o MMORPG hrách, tak bych vůbec nevěděl, že něco takového existuje. Například swtor, tera, wildstar, eso, o těch jsem věděl hned a nemusel jsem nic hledat.
Navíc mi připadá, že jejich PR dost vázne i ve formě sdělování informací o hře. Sice nám už toho 12.5 řekli, kdy hru spustí, kolik to bude stát a co za to dostaneme, ale už nám neřekli podrobnosti. Jako například, co všechno zahrnuje premium membership, co se dá všechno koupit v tom jejich shopu za reálné peníze...atd. Pak se diví, že to vyvolává ty negativní reakce, které mohou odradit spoustu lidí.
No, hned od začátku jsem chtěl hrát za sirénu a mystika, bohužel siréna ani mystik ještě nebudou přístupní, never luckyTak snad se dočkám později, tedy jestli ta hra ještě vydrží kvalitně fungovat a nezemře.