Changes should come in steps... They reduced more than 50% dmg... I would say a 20% reduction would be more than enough...
Posts by Fodemhouse
Nice to meet you guys...
I am telling you guys... The Gladiator is coming to kick your....
My build is starting to show off...
Overall I dont like or dislike the new combat, I just think they should improve the timing on pressing buttons and actually attacking...
No matter how much fast I press, it never goes on time... Also, I guess the old combat had more freedom, I could just chose any skill and use it as desired, on the other hand, the new combat comes with many specializations, so you can customize your skills the way you want...
I dont think I am gonna meet another guardian with the exact same build as me, and this is a big plus imo..
Tudo que falaram é mimimi.... O jogo tá bom, tem uma ou outra coisa chata, mas tudo que é diferente incomoda um pouco de inicio até acostumar...
Galera continuo procurando BRAZUCAS pra jogar junto, consegui entrar no TANARA, PM em FODEMHOUSE lvl 20
Maybe in 10 hours I will post a screenshot of my char lvl 1...
Cara estou quase desistindo de jogar no main server... Se quiserem jogar no servidor Sforza me avisem... Fiquei mais de 10 horas tentando entrar no Thanara por causa da guilda, mas se for continuar desse jeito talvez eu vá pra um server mais vazio...
I was in queue all daylong... Now I cant connect...
For Life
We all knew this was gonna happen... Headstart should be a minimum of 3 days because day 1 is always lost...
Anyway, why we are not having restarts ? Once in 3 hours would be good for people to have a chance to play the game in the server they want...
Yep... They said they would have a mega server... I wonder which megaserver was that... I am still on 3000 people queue since noon...
And it doesn't matter how many more servers they put, people will continue to try Thanaras, that's where the guilds are...
Why capacity is so low ?
My Guild is all in server 1 and I cant enter... Managed to enter the game, create a char => Maintenance, couldn't enter again... And there it goes the head-start... Predictable...
Go to your steam folder, look for the Bless.exe file and run as admin... that solved for some people...
Has anyone tried to compile a Talent Calculator yet? I know there is limited info but wondered if there was a rough version floating around.
I need it also ! haha
Guys i Just found out SAINT SEIYA ONLINE and I am loving it... I was really upset with bless delay, but since I started with Saint seiya I just forgot about bless... I am having a great time with this game !!! The best part, its completely free !!!
I saw a video of a Ranger dueling a Mage and the ranger was doing this backwards jumping dodge thing.
EDIT: Found it. Occurs first at around 00:12. This video is from January of last year so things could have changed since.
This video is from the old combat... Mage couldn't cast and move at same time and the ranger got dodge and auto-attack... In the new combat I think Ranger would be easily destroyed by mage...
And we all know every mmo rule: Mages > Tank >DPS - Rogue > Mage
In fact should be easier for an archer to beat a mage, but I don't think its gonna be like that with the new combat...
Yes, Shout skill, but main agro generation was from 1 or 2 skills only and from Protector core skill
This Core increases Defence;
- With 2+ Courage Points: +30% Block Chance;
- When attacked, there's a 25% chance to gain the [Devotion] effect;
- [Devotion]: +100% Aggro Level.
I hope it's gonna be different... Because 1 Dolar = 3.5 BRL right now... So it would be 245BRL for an early access game on the 70$ pack...
Expensive games, lets say Assassins Creed Origins its around 160 BRL
100% my friends are not gonna pay for that...
I wouldn't mind the black bunny lady in my bed...