I started the game 2days ago, i got around 50hours now, im lvl 40 assassin, i love the game, home more people will play it.
Anyone here after the game went Free2Play
i started playing it too after it went f2p
thats two
I've just started a few days ago.
started a few days ago myself casually leveling myself, assassin
The Game is pretty much dead , dont waste your time. Thats why there are no new Guides. If you want to play it on a casual level, go for it if you enjoy the Pokemon Pet System and have Friends to do the Dungeons with, the que nowdays when you go solo is like 10 years , so have fun xD
Yes me .:)
started almost 2 weeks ago and I know so much already but not enough
BTW some friends and I are putting together some guides