You refunded because, you didn’t read. You got excited and failed to read the basic mention of, you get what you get. Don’t expect anything. Why must everyone cry about it being something they didn’t say it would be. They never conned you into buying it. They warned you long ago
Adversting (Guests only)

Bless Online dead already?
every game, especially mmo's are going to have ups and downs everything can be sumed up here
I agree with BoltonSquad. This morning the game was over 25k players in game (while EU was still prime Time), and that was before the base version of the game was available for purchase. Sure there's a few issues in the game, and I really can't compare it to the other versions of the game that I haven't played... but I'm enjoying it. The combat system is fun for me, questing and hanging out is great, taming is fun, PvP is hard ;-;, and I understand the position the game is in. For some reason a ton of people thought this was going to be a full game with all updated content and perfect English translations and voice acting. It's early access, which isn't an excuse... it's a title added to incomplete things. The game still has a ton of development to go through and a ton of content to convert/create, but they released the game now under the term "early access" so those of us who are getting impatient can help and experience the development. If you want a full title, wait until the full release of the game in six months... or you can just enjoy the content they have now and the future content they release.
Bought it last night, and enjoying it so far, BUT they HAVE to fix that translation very soon lol.
Sigh this on-topic is biased as hell. Classic kid rant bec the taste of his candy wasn't as he expected..
It's a gamelaunch for christ sake... It's not the first crappy launch of a mmo.. and it definitely won't be the last.
All it takes is a bit of patience and everything sorts itself out...
I'm already reading quite opposite threads where ppl are enjoying themselves playing.. it's not even been a week...
Anyway, have a good weekend all
I'm downloading the game as we speak... €30 makes it worth it and that all the power players / PvP players are leaving is just a big plus in my book because they are mostly toxic anyway.
And I have faith that the devs will fix all the current issues.
Adversting (Guests only)
I'm downloading the game as we speak... €30 makes it worth it and that all the power players / PvP players are leaving is just a big plus in my book because they are mostly toxic anyway.
And I have faith that the devs will fix all the current issues.
They're leaving because they don't like the game. There's only 1600 players at peak between two regions. Also, it was just announced there's an Xbox One version of Bless coming out, so don't hold your breath on issues getting fixed within a reasonable amount of time. I've been following Bless for about 6 years and after watching this whole thing unfold, the announcement of the Xbox One version just shows Neowiz will probably divert funds to that project and drop the NA/EU version like they did with the Korean and Japanese versions. Those are both dead due to no new content because they keep releasing new versions.
Just made a new character, compared to what it was in June the starting area's are as dead as life on Mars. The higher zones still has some population but without new players this whole game will be dead without a chance of resurrection soon.