NPCs - Bless Online MMORPG

Posted by | November 23, 2013 | game | One Comment

NPC’s of Bless

In most MMOs there are NPC’s who gives you quest and items, but in Bless Online the NPC’s are kinda special. NPC’s are interacting with you and the world to make the world of Bless more realistic.

The appearance of NPC’s are important in the game, especially the costumes. Costumes are not randomly chosen in Bless, the NPC’s costume depends on his environment, climate and culture.
For example: There is a Westeuropean Village and based on the currently season the costumes are made in an romantic style.

Average NPC’s in Bless
On the other side, there are NPC’s based on the european Rokoko and Renaissance Style. The Rokoko  Style is an 18th-century artistic movement and style, which affected several aspects of the arts including painting, sculpture, architecture, interior design, decoration, literature, music and theatre. Especially the female costumes are very pretty. The costumes are elaborately decorated to represent the womans beauty.
NPC’s based on the Rokoko and Renaissance Style
The appearance of the NPC’s in Bless also depends on his profession and position in the society. There are nobles, merchant, farmer, jester etc. and the clothings are all based on their life.
NPC’s with different positions and profession 
Noble NPC’s
The Panteras are based on african warriors. Their appearance is intended to show their strength and love to the environment and shamanism.
Panteras compared to african styles
 Part 2 coming soon

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