Skills - all classes - Up-to-date (Stress Test, 23rd Jan. 2016)

      Skills - all classes - Up-to-date (Stress Test, 23rd Jan. 2016)

      Hey guys,

      here you can find the skills from all available classes up-to-date, taken from the current version.

      Current version is: Stress Test build from 23rd January 2016

      Skills by classes:

      This is also the order I will extract, translate and edit the skills. Please don't ask when class XYZ is added. I don't know it myself.

      Thanks to vegax87 for finding the official web content regarding the skills

      vegax87 wrote:

      After the opening of the OBT, Pmang posted all available skills with their proper skill level.
      1) Guardian skills:
      2) Berserker skills:
      3) Ranger skills:
      4) Mage skills:
      5) Paladin skills:
      6) Assassin skills:

      However these are not complete skill descriptions. The descriptions ingame have more content/addtional or different skill effects. So how knows what source is reliable or not ^^

      Lastly - if you use the skills in your own translation - please credit.


      Post was edited 8 times, last by “Nito” ().

      Nito wrote:

      Hey guys,

      here you can find the skills from all available classes up-to-date, taken from the current version.

      Current version is: Stress Test build from 23rd January 2016

      Skills by classes:
      • Mage

      OH MY GOD! Nito, THANK YOU! ;( ;(

      BryanFury - Leader | Clan Website | Clan Forum | Clan Facebook Page |
      After the opening of the OBT, Pmang posted all available skills with their proper skill level.

      1) Guardian skills:

      2) Berserker skills:

      3) Ranger skills:

      4) Mage skills:

      5) Paladin skills:

      6) Assassin skills:
      Well some skills are not up to date and most of the skills have different descriptions ingame or additional effects which aren't listed on the site. However to get a good impression what each class can do it is a solid source.

      I will try to merge both ingame and website content (skill names, skill descriptions) to give you guys a good compromise between both sides.

      Also updated the Paladin skill (didn't re-read them so errors are errors).
      FYI I figured out the Graceful Aura Paladin passive:
      The first part of your description (Nito) is right. :)

      The second part works like the following:
      if you yourself have an active Healing Grace HoT, then all targets of Healing Beacon will also receive a Healing Grace HoT beside the normal effect of the spell.
      The expiration timer of your own Healing Grace however will not restart.

      Basically if you keep casting Healing Grace on yourself, followed by a Healing Beacon you can HoT everyone nearby.
      I don't get one thing.. since the Guardian is the Tank, why it uses Light AND Medium armors instead of Medium and Heavy?

      BryanFury - Leader | Clan Website | Clan Forum | Clan Facebook Page |