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"Rezz me b**ch" "Your fault" - Healer Jaundices

    • "Rezz me b**ch" "Your fault" - Healer Jaundices

      I watched a moment ago again a Twitch video with an english Bless online player (JP). The Tank was offline (DC or dunno was offline). There were 5 adds to Healer for heal aggro then. And he didn´t could rezz the dead Ranger, cause of adds. And the Player couldn´t wait or had any appreciation for this situation.

      "Rezz me b**ch" , "Heal me!" or "Your fault" are standard patters for any inanely DPS/DD and sometimes Tanks, too.
      A Paladin is more specialised to focus on one person to heal and to shield the party and only has a fistful of AOE-healing.
      A Mystic is more specialised to focus on AOE-heals, but not as strong to heal permanently full life to everyone.

      But both healer classes CAN´T heal every s*it in any situation. Nor PvE, nor PvP, nor RvR.
      It is not only in BO, even in other games random DPS/DDs/Tanks gripe often about the Healer.
      Yes, there can be bad people, but lots of them try their best everyday. And to heal is not to say, that you only stand there all the time and press 1 2 1 2 1 1 5 like "3 button player".
      A good healer is walking a lot of the time during a boss fight and has to enable wise any support/heal skill, even they have cooldown, yes my dear DPS/Tanks.

      Every Healer class in most of any MMORPG has its limits to heal/support their party.

      Why can´t they sympathise with it?
      As a Healer you also have to watch whole the time to the boss, what it´s doing, where it´s going to, who has aggro and what is it going to do (mechanics etc.).
      Supplemental a Healer has to look out for party´s lifepoints and negative effects to party cleanse, own and party´s MP and in some games even to dispel the boss positive effect, plus to keep up buffs/shields.
      Gilde PanterFaust

      Steam --- Twitch.TV --- Youtube --- Smule :blesssad:

      The post was edited 4 times, last by midnasan ().

    • Most people want to play dps so they don't have responsibility. Then there are those who have the elitist attitude to them and if everything does not go perfect they usually blame the healer. Of course we can't forget about the stupid or lazy either who don't want to move and follow mechanics and just want to pad those dps numbers. I happen to enjoy healing a lot and sometimes find myself in those situations then I ask myself was it my fault? If the answer is no I just put everyone who is QQ and raging on me because I didn't heal them enough and put them on ignore. I also tend to not heal people who want to stand in the "fire" just to get extra dps and refuse to heal them until they move. I also wouldn't waste a rez on them either. May sound just as harsh as they do but after enough situations such as this is the reason I do all that now. I have developed three simple rules for healing.

      1. You can't heal stupid
      2. Heal yourself (can't heal anyone if you're dead)
      3. Heal the tank
    • Both healer and tank take specific people to play. They need to be willing to be active and engaged in order to be successful at either role. There is no such thing as a "lazy" healer or tank who plays well. But as far as your situation goes. Every community has toxic players and Bless will be no different. We just have to wade through the stupidity and find common ground. We just have to hope they are the minority and not the other way around.
    • Coming from a tank/dps player, i have no issues with healers as playing old school wow and raiding in rift or even in eos dungeons, if you die its due to you being an idiot, the healer to me when im on my tank is there for me so i can be more chill with holding aggro and making sure the DPS stick to the boss mechanics... When DPS'ing if i die its my own fault, sometimes healers are at fault but thats usually when they arent very good at healer or spec'd wrong.... But overall raging is pretty pathetic. I have never been a healer ever its boring for me, i have played like support classes like a bard or druid in games before but never gone full healer i dont enjoy it haha.