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Question about races

    • Question about races

      I recently came to know this game, and may be interested in it, but i see very little info on most things, i know that the game is barely in beta, but was wondering if theres any guide regarding differences in race (powers? stats? anything else?) and maybe an actual guide to how stats affects the game (i read that equip wont change much in terms of stats, so maybe one point in a stat is actually "heavy" ?)

      i was thinking of starting an elf ranger, unless something may be wrong about it (often in these games some combinations are outright bad, and struggle to be on par with other races of same class) also id like to theorycraft a bit

    • From what I understand so far about the game is that due to it coming over to NA/EU the game is under some fairly significant changes and basically all stats/powers/etc are basically in limbo until the Early access comes out and are then STILL subject to change.

      This is in effort to try and align themselves with the western market/customers as best as possible.

      I've been digging into all the information I can get my hands on but this is my personal understanding. Someone else might know a bit more, possibly some of the players that play or have played on the Russian, Japanese, or Korean builds. I have not played any of the game and am awaiting Western release.
    • I don't think there are any racial differences other than looks and what classes are available. I've never heard of racial bonuses for classes but I know other games have gone this route. But I don't think Bless has implemented it.
    • All the races for the most part fall into one faction or the other. There are some that are shared, like Mascu, but some races are faction locked.
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