The other day at work I got asked a question. If you could design your own mmo what features would you put in it? I have never really given any thought to it and just had no idea what I would do. I ask you what features would you put into an mmo if you could design one?
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An interesting question
Hmm. It would be mixture of lot of games, but it would be focused pve more like hard dungeons where guilds must communicate and organise to complete it. There would be pvp also but i don't know which combat system i would choose , something new probabbly.
1. Mechanics from Assassins Creed with Witcher 3 graphics
2.Housing,Guild Halls,Faction vs Faction,Different races and classes ( gw2,archage,bdo etc..)
3.Proffesions would play big role in trading and money making
4.Make something so players must interact with other players to do things
5. No gender lock, no cartoonish things and loli , no pay to win - everything u could get it would be ingame doing things
6.Would place it in fantasy continets like ( one is all grass , one is sand, one is water etc plus mixtures of those )
7.There would be bounty system if someone scams you and he's stronger than you, you could put price on their head
8.If a player attacks you in free world they would get like a skull ( same as in tibia ) and other players could chase him and if they defeat him they get some rewards
9.Raids for 10,20,30 people
10. Faction plays big role in char specs and abilities
11.Endgame crafting would be important and there would be sets like in wow PVP Gear set and PVE gear st
12.Interface would be like mixture of terra,aion,wow etc but make it special and unique
13. Would make option to low graphics on minimum so all players could play
14.It would be purchase to play with no subscription like max 10-20e to pay server run ( only thing u could buy is premium time for like faster traveling and thats all )
Those are some ideas, I know it's maybe funny or something but it would be cool to see a game thats not p2w and its available to all kind of players and it's fun to play
I am called Glad-O-War,Grim, Raider,and Third.I am One-eyed.I am also called Highest,and True-Guesser.I am Grimnir,and the Hooded One.I am Allfather, Gondlir, Wand-Bearer.I have as many names as there are winds.As many titles as there are ways to die.My ravens are Huginn and Muninn,thought and memory. My wolves are Freki and Geri.My horse is the gallowed. -
No gender lock
No lolli characters
Multiple races with racial starting maps
Class splitting ( ex: warrior splits to berserker or paladin, with shared core skills but separate class skills. Maybe even paladin splitting to something and something)
Pets for loot drops and modest buffs
Achievements with bonuses (ex: plus def for crafting heavy armor)
Mounts! Lots of mounts!
Guild Towns and guild housing
Faction based
Faction vs faction combat
Dungeons requiring various class combinations (ex: Boss 1 needs a necro to deuff him, Boss 2 can't be taken down with magic, stuff like that.)
Tricky dungeons with only a few tank n' spanks
Balanced PVP with with elemental arenas (need to buff your fire resistance for one, or cloud arenas with 'falling off' or needing winged mounts)
Slightly more cartoonish or stylized graphics to avoid uncanny valley
So many costumes! Such backpack space!
Racial Crafting
Can craft basic, simple costumes -- or costumes drop from bosses so people who don't want to spend money can still look snazzy
Clowns, clowns everywhere! On fire! So much fire!
I like Ashen's idea of the skull icon to put a target on people's backs ... but only if they're going after people a certain number of levels beneath them. Or some other small deterrent to keep people from going after newbies or low leveled characters.
Not to make it impossible for them to do it, but to add an element of public shame. The skull removed either through a gold sink reputation thing, or through killing someone your own level or higher. I don't know, ignore me.
Edit: And yes, an emphasis on player interaction. if you want to solo, go play an ARPG. -
tamberleigh wrote:
Clowns, clowns everywhere! On fire! So much fire!
Idea for costume , clown boss drops clown mask super rare xdddd
As for that skull next to the name it would be like 9 lvls difference so that there isn't any abuse , if someone kills u more than 2-3 times in free zones in 1 month you could put price on his head. Imagine whole guild chasing a guy because he was abusing some people, i think it would be fun.
As for public shame , imagine a pillar with all names of people that choose to put their name on that pillar rather than being chased by other people
edit : pillar would be in center of the main faction city next to auction house, market and strip club :3
I am called Glad-O-War,Grim, Raider,and Third.I am One-eyed.I am also called Highest,and True-Guesser.I am Grimnir,and the Hooded One.I am Allfather, Gondlir, Wand-Bearer.I have as many names as there are winds.As many titles as there are ways to die.My ravens are Huginn and Muninn,thought and memory. My wolves are Freki and Geri.My horse is the gallowed. -
tamberleigh wrote:
Clowns, clowns everywhere! On fire! So much fire!
AshenMoon wrote:
8.If a player attacks you in free world they would get like a skull ( same as in tibia ) and other players could chase him and if they defeat him they get some rewards
Larak wrote:
tamberleigh wrote:
Clowns, clowns everywhere! On fire! So much fire!
Larak wrote:
AshenMoon wrote:
8.If a player attacks you in free world they would get like a skull ( same as in tibia ) and other players could chase him and if they defeat him they get some rewards
I like all of those ideas and it would be hell of a fun for a game to be that competitive. I would do it similar skull system as tibia for an example: There are 3 types of skull :
white - 3 kills of a same person in 7 days ( if player with this skull is killed he loses some things from inventory + 20% lvl )
red - 5 kills in 7 days ( loses all inventory + 40% lvl )
black - 10 kills in 7 days ( loses 2x equipement and all inventory 70% lvl )
Also inventory would be made to have pricey stuff like potions and things to play the game, so the loot is worth-
I really like the concept of Tibia in a game like Wow or something , would be fun
I am called Glad-O-War,Grim, Raider,and Third.I am One-eyed.I am also called Highest,and True-Guesser.I am Grimnir,and the Hooded One.I am Allfather, Gondlir, Wand-Bearer.I have as many names as there are winds.As many titles as there are ways to die.My ravens are Huginn and Muninn,thought and memory. My wolves are Freki and Geri.My horse is the gallowed. -
I am called Glad-O-War,Grim, Raider,and Third.I am One-eyed.I am also called Highest,and True-Guesser.I am Grimnir,and the Hooded One.I am Allfather, Gondlir, Wand-Bearer.I have as many names as there are winds.As many titles as there are ways to die.My ravens are Huginn and Muninn,thought and memory. My wolves are Freki and Geri.My horse is the gallowed. -
AshenMoon wrote:
Is this enough or still missing ?
i would make classic roleplay tank, heal, DPS. But there would be enough classes in its role. For examble there could be 4 tank classes with different aspects, like a Support tank, a leathervampirisassin tank, classic tank with sword and shield and a tank with much dps to have aggro.
Or different healer classes, like a classig healer with Support. A healer with skills similar to vampirism, so to do DMG and take the DMG as heal for the group. shield healer like in rift online, less heals, more powerful shields. Etc -
I kind of want a Pokemon MMO without trainers. Sort of like Mystery Dungeon. I think that would be really cool.
That's an interesting question!
First I would look into technology so data mining isn't possible.
I would put in an unknown number of classes and subclasses, that get unlocked based on progression, items, npc-interaction and the like. The same counts for skills. I want to have more than the trinity; there should be a multitude of different support characters solely managing buffs or debuffs or interrupts or foresee boss actions ...
There isn't a mob in the game you can defeat alone. One of the races you can play has 5 gender and there are also genderless species. No piece of clothing is genderlocked, a piece of armor looks the same no matter the gender. You lose xp on death, you can lose level and there is final death.
So, I'm going for super-punishing and super-complex.The post was edited 1 time, last by Meruru ().
Yes! This is a very good question!
1. I would have custom weapons, for example craftsmen could make their own weapon designs, then create them. Have their own materials, though there is a reputation system in place. Meaning, that not random people can create not so friendly weapons.
2. Have one of a kind items, that could be found throughout the game. They can be super powerful, or rather weak. Making it better for players.
3. Not Pay To Win. There would be cash shop, with mounts, clothes, and other cosmetics.
4. Different servers, pvp and pve servers. There would still be pvp in the pve servers, just not full world pvp.
5. Hidden Classes, have classes that only certain people can get by doing a quest. Or a hidden quest, that only can be done by dedicated players.
6. This is following #5, Hidden quests that are either found randomly, or the player does something special.
7. No Gender Lock
8. Each race and class have their own story line.
9. Flying mounts, have the whole world open. People could fly anywhere they wanted.
10. Secret places in the world, where you can get special goodies, or achievements.
11. Housing for all players, having different houses in the cash shop.
12. Have the Pay To Look Good model, paying for weapon skins, clothes, different houses.
13. Guild Halls, the higher level guild you have the better the guild hall. (Can be upgraded with guards, every Sunday your guild hall can be raided by other guilds. Guild wars.)
14. Smooth combat.
15. Pvp is based on skill, and the gear you can get your hands on.
16. Big Dungeons, with tons of people in the hundreds.
17. Max Level 165 (Hard To Solo)
18. Players can make own custom gear. (Not like the stats, those random. The player can name their gear. Ex: CrazyEights God Gear Set)
19. Lots of space, 8 Banks slots you can buy, and every big inventory.
20. Founder Packs for Pre-release.
21. Pay To Play, Making it $5 to play normally.
22. Special Bosses, random hidden bosses that have different fight patterns. (Like Tamber said the boss could not take damage from magic or physical damage.)
23. Lose exp on Death (1-10 0% | 11-25 5% | 26-50 7% | 51-75 9% | 76-100 11% | 101-125 13% | 126-150 15% | 151-164 17% | 165 0%)
24. Bounty System (Like Ash's Idea)
25. Special Events (Held By Developers)
26. Finally, Great animations and Graphics!
Mhm.... Well, went a bit overboard making this reply... -CrazyEights
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