******Message from Zazaaji*****
Do not try to post a message more than once if it doesn't look like it posted, as it will flood the thread with the same message over and over. Instead, after clicking submit, refresh the page to see if it posted.
Check this Post for the latest russian english patch
December 10, 2016
Hey there guys, I have a little rude thing to say and ask for.
My economic situation ain't the best at this moment and I would like you to donate some bucks for Project Revive.
I have worked for a long time on that project and I really try to do my best and make everyone satisfied with this project.
If you can donate any amount you can, I will appreciate that.
If you think I deserve it, just hit the Donate button and make my pocket breath a little bit.
It's just a favor I ask you to do if you can, You absolutely don't have to!
The project will continue to develop and will be available for free no matters to the Donations.
The project is for you guys.
Sorry for being rude and thank you for reading this message,
Nir Hazan.
Manual Patch have been added to the bottom page of the Russian download. If you don't see the download click F5 to refresh the page or delete your cookies and internet cache. Pay Attention that you will need to check alone if there are new versions of patch because you don't use the patch program that tell you which version is available.
Project Revive's website will never get updated for you unless you refresh the page by F5 alone,
so its possible that a new version is out but you won't even notice - Pay attention to that!
Downloads are now officially available on Project Revive Website!
Link: discord.gg/uQCX8yp
/edit by Furia
Download the patch from mediafire.com/file/jujzglpinl82y52/EngPatchRU+(2).zip and replace it with the files in the BLESS\BLGame\Localization\RUS folder
Do not try to post a message more than once if it doesn't look like it posted, as it will flood the thread with the same message over and over. Instead, after clicking submit, refresh the page to see if it posted.
Check this Post for the latest russian english patch
/edit by Furia
Download the patch from mediafire.com/file/jujzglpinl82y52/EngPatchRU+(2).zip and replace it with the files in the BLESS\BLGame\Localization\RUS folder
The post was edited 111 times, last by Zazaaji ().