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PVP Gear

    • Hello, the reason i started this thread its because i couldn't find any information about "PVP Gear" (sry if i'm wrong)
      The question is... does Bless have PVP-PVE Gear or its like a kind of hybrid armour set for both PVP and PVE? Then if PVP-PVE Gear exist in Bless, how exactly are you going to acquire
      "PVP Gear" in Bless? Getting rewards (mats) from PVP and then craft them? And if the answer is "yes" am i going to get the same "rewards" from 3 vs 3, the 100 vs 100 BG, and the free roaming PVP? (keep in mind that im mostly intrested in TOP PVP Gear)

      Thanks in advance
      p.s. sry about my bad english. <3
    • Thank you mate! I would also like to know does your ranking up depends on ur performance in the arena and in the RvR (damage taken, damage dealt, heal done etc...) or its standard like if u are in the winning team u and ur teammates get +10 "ranking points" for example?
    • Hmmm. Does that mean that healing classes e. g. Get more marks than other classes or is the amount the same per team?

      I ask because it won't be balanced if the healers get their equipment faster in case of this performance.
    • well correct me if they changed the method of pvp rewards but normally it goes the following way:

      you get pvp rank exp by getting pvp points/honor points (the green bay leaf points). I think the ration is still 8 honor points = 1 pvp rank exp. point. (at least that's my experience as I got around 900 to 1000 honor points per 100 vs 100 battleground and roughly 300 pvp rank experience)

      Gaining a certain amount of exp will result in ranking up however each week a certain amount of PvP Rank Exp also decays so you have to constantly do PvP in order to stay at your rank.

      Every week (tuesday night in KR I think) you will get PvP rewards depending on your current rank via ingame mail. These items can be used to craft equipment. However the equipment you get via the PvP rewards do not have any pvp related bonuses and are on par with the same level&rarity items crafted from the dungeon materials.

      So in the end it doesn't matter whether you do PvP or PvE - you will end up with the same level of gear.

      That's my point here - not sure whether this info is out-dated or not.

      Anyway the main experience for ranking up comes from winning the battleground. The other exp is just a minor portion of it. Being in the top 20 won't magically get you the double amount of rank exp or something. So after a number of battlegrounds those minor portions obviously add up but over all the faction who wins more will get things faster.

      also - again if it is outdated it doesnt have any value but see this thread:

      About PvP Rewards

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Nito ().

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